18:30 | Welcome reception |
09:30 | OPENING SESSION Chair: Roger Torrenti, Sigma Orionis, Conference coordinator |
Welcome addresses - Leandros Tassiulas, CERTH and Chris Marsden, University of Sussex, Conference General co-Chairs - Kavé Salamatian, University of Savoie and Juan Carlos De Martin, Politecnico di Torino, Technical Programme Committee co-Chairs |
Invited speeches - Ziga Turk, Professor, University of Ljubljana, Former Minister of Science, Slovenia ![]() - Martin Hynes, Chief Executive, European Science Foundation ![]() - Carl-Christian Buhr, Member of the Cabinet of Ms Neelie Kroes, European Commission VP for the Digital Agenda ![]() |
11:00 | Coffee-Tea break |
11:30 | SETTING THE SCENE Chair: Leandros Tassiulas, CERTH, EINS NoE coordinator, Conference General co-Chair |
Keynote speeches - Urs Gasser, Executive Director, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University ![]() – Jon Crowcroft, Professor of Communications Systems, University of Cambridge ![]() – Andrea Matwyshyn, Assist. Prof., Department of Legal Studies & Business Ethics, Wharton School ![]() |
13:00 | Lunch break |
14:30 | INTERNET SCIENCE AND POLITICS Chair: Fabrizio Sestini, EINS scientific officer, DG CONNECT, European Commission |
- “How useful can web mapping be? Of the relevance of using a cartography tool in order to analyse the political webspheres during the French presidential election in 2012”, Simon Gadras (University of Lorraine, France) - “Common Narrative Divergent Agendas: The Internet and Human Rights in Foreign Policy”, Ben Wagner (European University Institute, Italy), Kirsten Gollatz (Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Italy), Andrea Calderaro (Center for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, European University Institute, Italy) - “Equality and civic literacy on parliamentary informatics platforms”, Alina Ostling (European University Institute, Italy) |
14:30 | FROM INTERNET TO SCIENCE AND BACK Chair: Juan Carlos De Martin, Politecnico di Torino, Technical Programme Committee co-Chair |
- “A Reflective Examination of a Process for Innovation and Collaboration in Internet Science”, Karmen Guevara, Alan F. Blackwell (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) - “Science as Social Construction: An InterEpistemological Dialogue between Two Internet Scientists on the InterEpistemological Structure of Internet Science, Part 1”, Paolo Dini (London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom), Laura Sartori (University of Bologna, Italy) - “Digital scholarship: Exploration of strategies and skills for knowledge creation and dissemination”, Cristobal Cobo (Oxford Internet Institute, United Kingdom), Concepción Naval (Universidad de Navarra, Spain) |
16:00 | Coffee-Tea break |
16:30 | POSTER SESSION Chair: Karmen Guevara, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge |
- “Evaluating the Edemocracy Dream: A Case Study on Estonia”, Jian Wen (Sciences Po, France) – “Peerproduction Online Communities Infrastructures”, Melanie Dulong de Rosnay (CNRS & Institut for Communication Sciences, France) – The Virtual Party Systems Project (ViParSys): Understanding Political Strategy, Party Organizations, and Political Networks, through Hyperlink Analysis”, Antonio Rosas (Universidade Aberta & Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal), Darren Lilleker (Bournemouth University, United Kingdom), Karolina Koc Michalska (Sciences Po, France), Joao Caetano (Universidade Aberta, Portugal) – “Mapping EINS. An exercise in mapping the Network of Excellence in Internet Science”, Almila Akdag Salah (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Sally Wyatt, Samir Passi, Andrea Scharnhorst (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, The Netherlands) – “Internet voting security in Europe: a process-oriented perspective”, Franco Callegati, Marco Prandini (University of Bologna, Italy) – “Diamond Condition for Commuting Adjacency Matrices of Directed and Undirected Graphs”, Paolo Dini (London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom), Chrystopher L. Nehaniv (University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom) – “Power relationships embedded in infrastructure governance: Providers versus community”, Mayo Fuster Morell (Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University, USA) - “Auction Theory meets Collective Intelligence: Towards Designing Next Generation Community Question Answering Systems”, Iordanis Koutsopoulos (Athens University of Economics and Business & CERTH, Greece), George Iosifidis (University of Thessaly, CERTH, Greece), Nicola Barbieri (Yahoo! Research Labs, Barcelona, Spain) – “What’s trendy right now? A comparative analysis of Web and Microblogs trending topics”, Dong Wang, Gaogang Xie (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Mohamed-Ali Kaafar (INRIA, France & National ICT Australia, Australia), Kavé Salamatian (University of Savoie, France) |
18:00 | Break |
09:30 | GOVERNANCE AND INTERNET SCIENCE Chair: Nicole Dewandre, DG CONNECT, European Commission |
- “Regulating code: A prosumer law approach to social networking privacy and search market interoperability”, Chris Marsden (University of Sussex, United Kingdom), Ian Brown (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) - “Open Science: One Term, Five Schools of Thought”, Benedikt Fecher (Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft & Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Germany), Sascha Friesike (Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft, Germany) - “Governance of the Top Level Domains: 2013, A failed revolution?”, Dominique Lacroix (Internet European Society & Le Monde en ligne, France) |
- “Internet Attractors and Repellors: the Role of Asymmetry and Trust in Explaining Connectivity Cycles”, Emanuele Giovannetti (Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom), Alessio D’Ignazio (Bank of Italy, Italy) - “The Neighbourhood Game: from Behavioural Economics to Urban Planning”, Panayotis Antoniadis, Ileana Apostol (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) - “On the human-driven decision-making process in competitive environments”, Evangelia Kokolaki, Merkourios Karaliopoulos, Ioannis Stavrakakis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece) - “What’s your favourite online research tool? Use of and attitude towards Web 2.0 applications among scientists in different academic disciplines”, Daniela Pscheida, Thomas Koehler, Bahaaeldin Mohamed (Technical University Dresden, Germany) |
11:00 | Coffee-Tea break |
11:30 | POSTER SESSION Chair: Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, CNRS/ISCC |
- “Challenges and Opportunities for Integrating Open Energy Data Sources”, Chris Davis, Gerard Dijkema (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) – “Reputation based Coordination of Prosumers Communities”, Anna Satsiou (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece), George Koutitas, Leandros Tassiulas (University of Thessaly, Greece) – “Research Design for the Study of Social Media Use by Dutch Development Organizations”, Anand Sheombar (Manchester Metropolitan University & SURFmarket, The Netherlands) – “Relationships under the Microscope with Interaction Backed Social Networks”, Jeremy Blackburn (University of South Florida, USA), Adriana I. Iamnitchi (University of South Florida, USA) – “The Evolving Dynamics of the Internet Layered Architecture: Innovation, Net Neutrality and the Interdependence of Structure and Function”, Paolo Dini (London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom), Thanassis Tiropanis (University of Southampton, United Kingdom) – “Youth’s attitudes and behaviours with respect to online privacy: A conceptual exploration”, Lien Mostmans, Joke Bauwens, Jo Pierson (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) – “The evolution of networked communication between patients and clinicians in the UK National Health Service: young people living with long term health conditions”, Frances Griffiths, Jonathan Cave (University of Warwick, United Kingdom), Jackie Sturt (King’s College, United Kingdom) - “Evolving Ethnography for Virtual Communities”, Donald McMillan (Mobile Life VINN Excellence Centre at Stockholm University, Sweden), Barry Brown (University of California San Diego, USA) – “Social, Local and Mobile Identity Management. The development of a usercentric open SoLoMo platform”, Paulien Coppens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel & iMindsSMIT, Belgium), Rob Heyman, Jo Pierson (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) |
13:00 | Lunch break |
14:00 | CLOSING SESSION: FROM RESEARCH TO POLICIES Chair: Chris Marsden, University of Sussex, Conference General co-Chair |
Opening speech - Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Advisor to the President of the European Commission |
Best student paper award - “Common Narrative Divergent Agendas: The Internet and Human Rights in Foreign Policy”, Ben Wagner (European University Institute, Italy), Kirsten Gollatz (Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Italy), Andrea Calderaro (Center for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, European University Institute, Italy) Best student paper award – special mention - “On the human-driven decision-making process in competitive environments”, Evangelia Kokolaki, Merkourios Karaliopoulos, Ioannis Stavrakakis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece) |
Keynote speeches - Alissa Cooper, Chief Computer Scientist, Center for Democracy & Technology - Pablo Rodriguez, Research Director and Head of the Barcelona Lab Telefonica Digital |
Policy report |
Closing address - Mario Campolargo, Director Net Futures, DG CONNECT, European Commission |
16:00 | Open networking |