Conference Program
You may find the program of the conference below
View photos from the sessions here.
November 22nd, morning: Internet Science Conference Open Day (free access).
Welcome and Opening
Chair session: Ioannis Kompatsiaris (CERTH)

Ioannis Kompatsiaris
CERTHKeynote Speech: "The DSI Manifesto"
The Digital Social Innovation Manifesto sets the priorities and identifies the measures to be put in place for digital innovation to be at the service of the whole civil society. This will give a stronger voice to the Digital Social Innovation communities in Europe; help in obtaining support for bottom-up initiatives; and raise the public and political awareness about the importance of digital social innovation and its impact. Its current version can be found at: View PDF

Stavroula Maglavera
University of ThessalyPanel on “Data as a new currency in Next Generation Internet”
The following topics will be discussed:
-Points on data as the new cash
- What are the essential functions of cash, that data might pick up?
- What kinds of data are we talking about, and what are their special characteristics?
- What are the research and policy problems this raises?
- What are EU-US shared policy problems that might motivate collaboration?
Confirmed panelists: Franco Bagnoli (University of Florence), Ioannis Kompatsiaris (CERTH), Latif Ladid (Chair at 5G World Alliance & President, IPv6 Forum), Thanassis Tiropanis (University of Southampton)

Panel Chair: Jonathan Cave
Univ. of Warwick, UKCoffee Break
Demo session will be available during coffee break
Outline of the Workshops
Presentation of the workshops to follow.

Anna Satsiou
CERTHWorkshops in parallel:
BILAT USA 4.0 - Digital Social Innovation/Civic Tech, a topic EU-USA collaboration in research
Room Aiolos2nd International Workshop on the Internet for Financial Collective Awareness & Intelligence (IFIN 2017) – Part A
Room ZefyrosConversations 2017 - An International Workshop on Chatbot Research & Design – Part A
Room VivliothikiLunch Break
Demo session will be available during lunch break
Workshops in parallel:
Workshop on Digital Technology to support Social Innovation – Part A
Room Aiolos2nd International Workshop on the Internet for Financial Collective Awareness & Intelligence (IFIN 2017) – Part B
Room ZefyrosConversations 2017 - An International Workshop on Chatbot Research & Design – Part B
Room VivliothikiThe Data Economy Workshop - How online data change economy & business? – Part A
Conference Room - AmphitheatreCoffee Break
Demo session will be available during coffee break
Workshops in parallel:
Workshop on Digital Technology to support Social Innovation – Part B
Room AiolosBILAT USA 4.0 - EU-US and Academia-Industry Cooperation in DSI/Civic Tech.
Room ZefyrosConversations 2017 - An International Workshop on Chatbot Research & Design – Part C
Room VivliothikiThe Data Economy Workshop - How online data change economy & business? – Part B
Conference Room - AmphitheatreFirst Day of Main Conference (registration needed)
Session Chair:

Sotiris Diplaris
CERTHKeynote Speech: "Social media studies and post-Soviet public spheres"
In my talk, I will elaborate on the necessity of contextual knowledge in doing automated research on social media texts. Drawing on the examples of mixed-method research projects in social media and user-generated content, I will try to show how context played the role in developing the research designs. Also, I will draw attention to key societal cleavages that constitute the shared context of the post-Soviet states and shape our today’s assessment of quality of national public spheres and political discussion online. View PDF

Svetlana Bodrunova
Saint Petersburg State UniversityPolitics & Public Co-Creation in the Internet

Session Chair: Giovanna Pacini
University of FlorenceConceptualizing ICT-Enabled Co-Creation of Public Value
View PDFAelita Skaržauskienė and Monika Mačiulienė
Designing a Digital Social Innovation Platform: From Case Studies to Concepts
Ines Dinant, Jacqueline Floch, Thomas Vilarinho and Manuel Oliveira
Connecting Citizens: Designing for Data Collection and Dissemination in the Smart City
Donald McMillan
Politicians driving online discussion: are institutionalized influencers top Twitter users?
Anna Smoliarova, Svetlana Bodrunova and Ivan Blekanov
The STEP project: Societal and political engagement of young people in environmental issues
Maria Vogiatzi, Christodoulos Keratidis, Manos Schinas, Sotiris Diplaris, Serdar Yümlü, Paula Forbes, Symeon Papadopoulos, Panagiota Syropoulou, Lazaros Apostolidis, Yiannis Kompatsiaris and Machi Symeonidou
Coffee Break
Demo session will be available during coffee break
Understanding & Empowering Digital Citizens

Session Chair: Franco Bagnoli
University of FlorenceA study of ride sharing opportunities in the city of Santiago de Chile
Emanuele Massaro
Smart Cities in Stars: Food Perceptions and beyond
Maria Pontiki, Panagiota Koltsida, Dimitris Gkoumas, Dimitris Pappas, Haris Papageorgiou, Eleni Toli and Yannis Ioannidis
Online Grocery Shopping: Identifying Change in Consumption Practices
View PDFJo Munson, Thanassis Tiropanis and Michelle Lowe
Open Data as a New Common. Empowering citizens to make meaningful use of a new resource
View PDFNicola Morelli, Ingrid Mulder, Grazia Concilio, Janice Pedersen, Amalia de Götzen, Marc Arguillar and Tomasz Jaskiewicz
Involving users in the design of sharing economy services
View PDFAsbjørn Følstad, Dimitra Chasanidou, Ida Maria Haugstveit and Ragnhild Halvorsrud
Lunch Break
Demo session will be available during lunch break
Data-Driven Research & Design

Session Chair: Theodora Tsikrika
(CERTH)Ewya: An Interoperable Fog Computing Infrastructure with RDF Stream Processing
View PDFEugene Siow, Thanassis Tiropanis and Wendy Hall
Large-scale Open Corporate Data Collection and Analysis as an Enabler of Corporate Social Responsibility Research
View PDFVasiliki Gkatziaki, Symeon Papadopoulos, Sotiris Diplaris and Yiannis Kompatsiaris
Serendipity By Design? How to Turn from Diversity Exposure to Diversity Experience to Face Filter Bubbles in Social Media
Urbano Reviglio
Information Mining from Public Mailing Lists: A Case Study on IETF Mailing Lists
View PDFHeiko Niedermayer, Nikolai Schwelnus, Daniel Raumer, Edwin Cordeiro and Georg Carle
Coffee Break
Demo session will be available during coffee break
Session Chair:

Efstratios Kontopoulos
CERTHEvaluation of Linked, Open Data Sources for Mining of Adverse Drug Reaction Signals
View PDFPantelis Natsiavas, Nicos Maglaveras and Vassilis Koutkias
A data-driven model for Linking Open Economic Information
Michalis Vafopoulos, Antonis Koukourikos, Georgios Vafeiadis, Dimitrios Negkas, Ilias Skaros and Aggelos Tzani
Unsupervised keyword extraction using the GoW model and centrality scores
View PDFElissavet Batziou, Ilias Gialampoukidis, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Antoniou and Yiannis Kompatsiaris
Implicit Interaction through Machine Learning: Challenges in Design, Accountability, and Privacy
Donald McMillan
Social Dinner at "Xaroupi" restaurant.
Address: Doksis 4, Thessaloniki. Tel: +302310526262, e-mail: [email protected]
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Second Day of Main Conference (registration needed)
Session Chair:

Thanassis Tiropanis
University of SouthamptonSocial Media & Online Interaction

Session Chair: Heiko Niedermayer
Technical University of MunichReputational "heuristics" violate rationality: New empirical evidences in an online multiplayer game
Mirko Duradoni, Franco Bagnoli and Andrea Guazzini
Cascades on Social networks: A Chronological Account
Nora Alrajebah, Thanassis Tiropanis and Leslie Carr
Semantic social networks: a new approach to scaling digital ethnography
Alberto Cottica, Jason Vallet, Amelia Hassoun and Guy Melançon
Towards suicide prevention: early detection of depression on social media
View PDFVíctor Leiva and Ana Freire
Coffee Break
Demo session will be available during coffee break
Next Generation Community Engagement

Session Chair: Donald McMillan
Stockholm UniversityCitizen science is in the air – Lessons learned from technology-mediated citizen science projects and air pollution
Gavin McCrory, Carina Veeckman and Laurence Claeys
Diversity in FabLabs: Culture, Role Models and the Gendering of Making
Christian Voigt, Elisabeth Unterfrauner and Roland Stelzer
WeMake: a Framework for Letting Students Create Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Environments for their own STEAM Learning
View PDFAnastasios Karakostas, George Palaigeorgiou, and Yiannis Kompatsiaris
Onboarding Communities to the IoT
View PDFMara Balestrini, Gui Seiz, Lucas Peña and Guillem Camprodon
Lunch Break
Demo session will be available during lunch break
Session Chair:

Symeon Papadopoulos
CERTHKeynote Speech: "Discrimination in Machine Decision Making"
"Machine (data-driven learning-based) decision making is increasingly being used to assist or replace human decision making in a variety of domains ranging from banking (rating user credit) and recruiting (ranking applicants) to judiciary (profiling criminals) and journalism (recommending news-stories). Recently concerns have been raised about the potential for discrimination and unfairness in such machine decisions.
Against this background, in this talk, I will pose and attempt to answer the following high-level questions: (a) How do machines learn to make discriminatory decision making? (b) How can we quantify discrimination in machine decision making? (c) How can we control machine discrimination? i.e., can we design learning mechanisms that avoid discriminatory decision making? (d) Is there a cost to non-discriminatory decision making?"