certh & mklab

INSCI 2017 will be held at the Conference Centre at the premises of the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), which is located 12 km from the centre of the city of Thessaloniki and 8 km from the airport. The venue is well connected to the city centre by bus links operated by OASTH (Urban Transport Organization of Thessaloniki). Founded in 2000, CERTH is one of the leading research centres in Greece and listed among the TOP-25 E.U. institutions with the highest participation in competitive research grants.
CERTH has important scientific and technological achievements in many areas including: Energy, Environment, Industry, Mechatronics, Information & Communication, Transportation & Sustainable Mobility, Health, Agro-biotechnology, Smart farming, Safety & Security, as well as several cross-disciplinary scientific areas. It constitutes the largest research center in northern Greece, with more than 600 staff members. More than 200 of them belong to the Information Technologies Institute of CERTH.
The Multimedia Knowledge and Social Media Analytics Laboratory of CERTH-ITI (MKLab), which will be responsible for the organisation of INSCI, is one of the largest CERTH-ITI laboratories with more than 70 members (2 senior researchers, 22 post-doctoral researchers, 46 research associates and 3 PhD candidates). MKLab is very active in the Internet Science, CAPSSI, and other related communities, with its members regularly participating to relevant conferences in various capacities (authors, workshop organisers, members of programme and organising committees). MKLab is also very experienced in the organisation of conferences, summer schools, and other events in its research fields. It has been involved in more than 30 European and 10 National research projects, and several subcontracting collaborations with the industry, and currently participates in 19 European and 3 National research projects that are in progress. Its scientific output amounts to 10 patents, more than 100 journal publications, more than 10 edited Proceedings-Books-White papers, more than 35 book chapters and more than 350 conference publications.
CERTH's Conference Centre includes an Amphitheater (150 seats), and the rooms "Aeolos" (40 seats), and "Zefyros" (25 seats), all with wireless Internet access and data projectors. INSCI will be held at the main auditorium, while any group activities or parallel workshops will take place across all available rooms. There is also a large foyer where poster sessions can be held and catering space where lunches and coffee breaks will be arranged. Car parking is available for free.